Women Empowerment refers to increasing and improving the social, economic, political and legal strength of the women, to ensure equal-right to women. Women empowerment helps women to control and benefit from resources, assets, income and their own time, as well as the ability to manage risk and improve their economic status and wellbeing. Many of the barriers to women's empowerment and equity lie ingrained in cultural norms. Many women feel these pressures, while others have become accustomed to being treated inferior to men. Empowering women to participate fully in economic life across all sectors is essential to build stronger economies, achieve internationally agreed goals for development and sustainability, and improve the quality of life for women, men, families and communities.
15+ workshop arranged 1000+ students benefited
50+ Village women benefited through Awareness program on SHG
10+ SGH & over 100 Group member benefited from workshop
10+ Seminar arranged and 500+ youths & adults involved
Social and economic empowerment is crucial for a women to overcome poverty. When women realize their economic goals and determine to do something for themselves and their families they’re became more strong. Our approach is to spread awareness, provide training, education, motivate them and help to setup and grow up their own venture where they will be the boss of their own changed life.
Help to build small team with 9-10 willing women, motivate them, educate them, and overcome their doubts and after that form SHG.
Provide necessary training and guidance to every group and Arranged seminar to boost their confidence.
Help to get bank loan, handle paper work and financials and also look after market place for their manufactured items.